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Girls and tattoos/piercings? (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Girls and tattoos/piercings?
Melonbar (User)
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Girls and tattoos/piercings? 13 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0  
Hello, I made an account specifically to ask this.
I don't know if this is already covered and I saw a few topics on tattoos, but none specifically matched mine. I know that tattoos are frowned upon in Japanese culture, though the younger generation is a bit more open to it all. However, they still don't allow people in onsens if you have a tattoo, right? Does this apply to woman as well? The whole tattoo-criminal thing started from the yakuza, or at least, that's what I found out from self research. And yakuza members were only men. So, would they kick me out of the onsen if I came in with my tattoo? It's not a scary big one, but I have several small to medium sized ones. (One on my wrist, my hip, and my back shoulder. Also, what about piercings? I don't have any besides the ones on my ears. And in total, I have seven piercings on my ears. Three on one ear and two on the other along with my industrial (so I guess that counts as two more?). Ahh, sorry for this being long. I'm not very good at explaining things, so it may sound a bit staggered. Anyways, thank you for your time! (:
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Girls and tattoos/piercings?
Melonbar 2011/10/23 22:26
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petina 2011/10/23 22:57
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Melonbar 2011/10/23 23:05
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Melonbar 2011/10/23 23:09
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